Flu season is here, vaccines are now available

Pukekohe Family Health logo NEW 22 cropped

Medical Services

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Company Health

A full range of med­ical ser­vices for your company.

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Drivers License Medical

A reg­is­tered health prac­ti­tion­er must com­plete your dri­vers license med­ical cer­tifi­cate. This could be your usu­al doc­tor (GP), a reg­is­tered nurse or nurse prac­ti­tion­er, or a spe­cial­ist if appro­pri­ate. When book­ing an appoint­ment, please advise you require our health prac­ti­tion­er to com­plete a Trans­port Agency med­ical cer­tifi­cate for you. Our prac­ti­tion­ers will have copies of the required documentation.

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Drug Testing Service

We can pro­vide urine drug test­ing as part of our ser­vices for indi­vid­ual clients and busi­ness­es in the Franklin Region. An appoint­ment with one of our Nurs­es is required. Pho­to iden­ti­fi­ca­tion must be sup­plied at the time of the appointment.

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Immigration Service

Look­ing to immi­grate to New Zealand? Pukeko­he Fam­i­ly Health has an immi­gra­tion med­ical service.

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Insurance Medical

Our spe­cial­ist GP’s can help with Insur­ance medicals.

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Minor Surgery

Our prac­tice has doc­tors who pro­vide minor surgery, such as removal and biop­sies of skin lesions. We also have spe­cial­ist sur­geons in reg­u­lar atten­dance. After an appoint­ment with one of our prac­ti­tion­ers, an appoint­ment time can be sched­uled for this procedure.

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Pre Employment Medical Service

To have a strong work­force we under­stand the need for good health­care and sup­port. We are focused on sup­port­ing our clients with the med­ical assess­ment of can­di­dates to meet your spe­cif­ic require­ments, and to help min­imise risk. This includes pro­vid­ing a range of pre employ­ment and exit med­ical assess­ments, as well as drug services.

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Travel Vaccinations & Advice

Cur­rent­ly Closed till the New Year. Look­ing for med­ical advice before you trav­el? Our team can help from vac­ci­na­tions to safe­ty so you can look after your­self well, while away.

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The sched­ule of vac­cines list­ed below applies from 1 Octo­ber 2020. A new event will be cre­at­ed at age 12 months, and MMR vac­cine will move from being giv­en at 15 months and 4 years to being giv­en at 12 months and 15 months.