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The Consultants

Auckland Heart Group Cardiology Services Paediatric and Adult

Auckland Heart Group — Cardiologists

As New Zealand’s lead­ing pri­vate car­di­ol­o­gy group we pro­vide assess­ment, diag­no­sis and treat­ment of the heart and its prob­lems plus ongo­ing sup­port for patients, adults and chil­dren Shared knowl­edge, expe­ri­ence and spe­cial­i­sa­tion of the 29 car­di­ol­o­gists work­ing in an open team envi­ron­ment Feel con­fi­dent and safe with the lev­el of avail­able exper­tise World lead­ing research devel­op­ing inno­v­a­tive and indus­try lead­ing tech­niques Dynam­ic learn­ing envi­ron­ment using the lat­est tech­nol­o­gy and equip­ment to ensure you have the best care Com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing a world class, friend­ly, per­son­alised sup­port­ing envi­ron­ment built on trust and respect

Hassan mubark

Dr Hassan Mubark — Rheumatologist

FRACP Rheumatologist/​General Physician

Rheuma­tol­ogy and mus­cu­loskele­tal: All Inflam­ma­to­ry and non-inflam­ma­to­ry con­di­tions: Rheuma­toid Arthri­tis, Spondy­lo-arthropathies (like pso­ri­at­ic arthri­tis and anky­los­ing spondyli­tis, reac­tive arthri­tis, inflam­ma­to­ry bow­el dis­ease relat­ed arthropathies), SLE, scle­ro­der­ma, Sjogren’s syn­drome, Vasuli­tis, Behcet’s syn­drome, Gout, non spe­cif­ic inflam­ma­to­ry arthri­tis and Osteoarthri­tis. All kind of sport and non sport injuries: ACC (free con­sults, pro­ce­dures and able to order rel­e­vant high tech imag­ing if indi­cat­ed for free through ACC — see pro­ce­dures offered).

Dr Savitha Bhagvan

Dr Savitha Bhagvan

Consultant General, Trauma and Acute Care Surgeon

Dr Savitha Bhag­van is a Con­sul­tant Gen­er­al, Trau­ma and Acute Care Sur­geon at Auck­land City Hos­pi­tal, and in pri­vate prac­tice at Mer­cy Spe­cial­ist Centre. 

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Dr Stephen Persson – Gastroenterologist


Dr Stephen Pers­son is a spe­cial­ist gas­troen­terol­o­gist with over 20 years expe­ri­ence. After train­ing in Syd­ney, Aus­tralia & Auck­land he returned from a post­grad­u­ate fel­low­ship in inter­ven­tion­al endoscopy & ERCP at one of Europe’s pre­mier endoscopy units in 1998 to accept a con­sul­tant post at Mid­dle­more Hospital.

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Dr Tristan de Chalain — Plastic Surgeon

MB ChB 1984 Cape Town; FCS (SA) 1992; FRCS© 1996; FRACS 1999

In pri­vate prac­tice since 1997, Tris­tan was pre­vi­ous­ly a senior con­sul­tant sur­geon at Mid­dle­more Hos­pi­tal and vis­it­ing spe­cial­ist at Star­ship Children’s, Nation­al Women’s and Auck­land Pub­lic hos­pi­tals. Tris­tan has received numer­ous respect­ed awards and schol­ar­ships and has more than 40 peer-reviewed jour­nal arti­cles and book chap­ters to his cred­it. Despite the breadth and depth of his train­ing and expe­ri­ence, a key pas­sion remains facial restora­tion fol­low­ing skin can­cer, injury or ageing.

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Dr. Denesh C Patel Dermatologist/​Dermatologic Surgeon


Denesh has been the vis­it­ing Dermatologist(Skin Spe­cial­ist), serv­ing the greater Pukeko­he com­mu­ni­ty for their skin con­di­tions since 1999. He is a gen­er­al der­ma­tol­o­gist deal­ing with a full range of skin con­di­tions with spe­cial inter­ests in deal­ing with com­plex skin conditions,childhood skin con­di­tions, those with pig­ment­ed skin prob­lems and skin of colour as well as offer­ing com­plete assess­ment and treat­ment of skin spots, moles, melanomas and skin cancers.

One Six One Padmaja Koya

Dr. Padmaja Koya

Gynaecologist and Laparoscopic Surgeon

Pad­ma­ja is a Gynae­col­o­gist with sig­nif­i­cant sub­spe­cial­ty train­ing and expe­ri­ence in laparo­scop­ic gynae­col­o­gy. She com­plet­ed her med­ical train­ing in India, and went on to Eng­land to train as a gynae­col­o­gist. She com­plet­ed her gynae­col­o­gy train­ing in Leices­ter and was lev­el 5 cer­ti­fied in gynae­co­log­i­cal laparoscopy in the UK.

One Six One Andrew Williams

Mr. Andrew Williams — Urologist

BMedSc, MBChB, FRACS (Urol)

Urol­o­gist with sub-spe­cial­ist train­ing in Robot­ics and Com­plex Can­cer Surgery. Andrew works as a Con­sul­tant urol­o­gist at Auck­land Dis­trict Health Board and Coun­ties Manukau Dis­trict Health Board. He is a mem­ber of the Min­istry of Health Prostate Can­cer Work­force and Med­ical Advi­sor for the Prostate Can­cer Foun­da­tion and Tes­tic­u­lar Can­cer NZ. He has pre­vi­ous­ly chaired the NZ Board of Urol­o­gy and is cur­rent­ly is an exam­in­er for the Roy­al Aus­tralasian Col­lege of Surgeons.


Mr. David Flint — ENT Surgeon

MB ChB 1992 Auckland; FRACS 2001

David Flint is a New Zealand trained ENT Sur­geon. He then did addi­tion­al fel­low­ship train­ing in pae­di­atric and adult otol­ogy in Aus­tralia and has been a Con­sul­tant Sur­geon at Wait­em­a­ta DHB from 2005 and also at Coun­ties Manukau from 2009. He pro­vides gen­er­al oto­laryn­gol­o­gy ser­vices with spe­cial inter­ests in otol­ogy and nasal and sinus dis­ease. He has rooms in Taka­puna and vis­its Pukeko­he with oper­at­ing priv­i­leges at North Har­bour, Gillies, and Ormis­ton Hospitals.

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Mr. Paul Casey — Gastroenterologist

MB ChB 1995 Auckland; FRACP 2003

Dr Paul Casey is a New Zealand trained gas­troen­terol­o­gist. He is expe­ri­enced in all areas of gas­troen­terol­o­gy. He com­plet­ed a fel­low­ship in upper GI motil­i­ty dis­or­ders at the Roy­al Free Hos­pi­tal in Lon­don and has a spe­cial inter­est in this area of gas­troen­terol­o­gy. His con­sult­ing rooms are at Pukeko­he Fam­i­ly Heath Care and East­care Spe­cial­ist Cen­tre. He per­forms gas­troscopy and colonoscopy at Ormis­ton Hospital.